Sunday, 27 March 2011

Sudden Onset Shame


Often our shame levels build over time. One drunken call to an ex here, a minor post-bar crime there and a sloppy dance floor make-out there, there and behind the dj booth. However there is another type of shame we must acknowledge: Sudden Onset Shame (S.O.S.).

SOS is the most crippling type of shame because not only does it bring with it the usual self loathing, but also panic, distress and mild to heavy perspiration.

I experienced S.O.S. not 15 minutes ago in the form of the of another dreaded shame category, the missed deadline shame.

My S.O.S. encounter went like this: I got an email informing me that a deadline to pay a certain fee was approaching... I ignored it for 3 days. I read the email, and realized that the deadline is in fact next week, and my bank account isn't lookin' so hot. I panicked, I felt shame. I almost punched a wall.

And then? I called my mommy. Yup. And let this be a lesson to us all... When I felt shame after falling off my bike and nearly breaking my wrist when I was 9, I cried to mommy. And when I was unable to pay my bills when I was 24, I cried to mommy.

The mommy to shame relationship is one that requires more investigation. Until now, try to avoid S.O.S.

It is an evil bastard.

- Private Shame, reporting.

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